Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Sweet Sangria

See that nice scratch on my pointer finger? I did that with another finger! My nails are stronger than they have been in years. I've started using the Nourish Hand Cream for the past few weeks, and it has really made a difference. 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Copper Penny & Stardust

I was watching the Rachel Ray Show this week and was inspired by her guest, Mally Roncal's gold, glitter manicure. You can view the episode here. So I decided to look through my lacquers and see how I could replicate the look. Here is what I came up with...

To get this look I used Copper Penny Nail Lacquer with Stardust Top Coat. As always, I applied a coat of Jamberry Smoothing Base Coat first.  

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Cowboys Pride

It's no secret that my favorite NFL team is the Dallas Cowboys. Unfortunately, they just lost to the Packers and are now out of the playoffs...but I did my nails earlier to support my boys. 

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Raven/Ash/Frosting Nail Lacquer

A few months back, I saw this look on Pinterest with various shades of grey, and forgot to pin it. Jamberry only has one shade of grey, Ash, but I decided to play around with mixing some colors to replicate the look. Here's what I came up with: 

On my pinkie I applied Frosting. On my ring finger, I applied a mix of Frosting and Ash. On my middle finger I applied Ash. On my pointer I applied a mix of Ash and Raven. On my thumb (which isn't shown) I applied Raven